Online Payments
School Money Payment System
All payments for trips, clubs, events and uniform should now be made online through the School Money System. This will allow parents the convenience of making payments at any time.
If you want to pay online by credit/debit card then please click here. Please contact the school office if you require a password reminder.
Please note, some occasional other items should still be made in cash, such as tuck money and charities.
Dinner Money
Dinner money is payable in advance through the School Grid system. Please contact the school office if you do not have log in details.
Please click here for more information.
Cash Payments to school
If you do make any payments in cash, please send the correct money in an envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked on the front of the envelope.
A drop box is available near reception.
Cheque Payments to school
If you intend to pay by cheque, please make your cheques payable to Dane Bank Primary School.